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Detail 1 - Plane and tarmac. The most ambiguously difficult part was adding detail to the tarmac, without having the tarmac become too noisy. It needed to have visual substance, but not take away from the main focus of the image... the plane.
I'm very happy with how the engine semi-metallic body turned out. It could always use more, subtle detail but at some point I needed to move on and I think I've found a good balance with this image.
Deatil 2 - The Portrait
I saved this for the end and am happy I did. The main coloration for the face was done with markers but I quickly found that I wasn't going to have the fine control I would need to complete the features of the face, so after creating base color with copic markers, I worked in final color and detail with Prismacolor pencils.
Deatil 3 - Clouds
This is my favorite part because the clouds look great and were relatively simple to add. They have a lot of expression and presence but don't take over control of the image.
The clouds are beautifui and serene, like an ocean of light and air to fly through.