December, 2013
Color Infrared Photography - Florida
Series of photographs of color infrared photography.
Please note: there has been no digital retouching performed on these images to create them. All effects were created at time of shooting and processing. They were printed to slide using E-41 chemistry.

December, 2013
Color Infrared Photography - Conn. & Toronto
Non digital, color infrared photography of Toronto and the Connecticut shore.

December, 2014
California Fireworks 1
Fourth of July fireworks, 2013

August, 2014
Holga & Seagull Photography
An album of procedurally experimental photography, focused on the Holga and Seagull cameras, as well as cross-processing and multi-exposure procedures.

December, 2013
Color Infrared Photography - Key West Pier
Non digital, color infrared photography at Key West pier.

December, 2013
Santa Monica Break Dancer
Shooting 35 film in a medium format body

September, 2013
Outdated Automotive Repair Guide - Fun
Art Direction, Digital Photography, Photography